A Visit to the South Whidbey Good Cheer Garden

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Recently the members of the Food Bank Farm and Gardens had the opportunity to visit and network with the South Whidbey Good Cheer Garden!

“The South Whidbey Good Cheer Food Bank has created a large vegetable garden in front of their facility on Bayview Road. Growing fresh vegetables and fruit has provided nutritious produce directly to the Food Bank, increased food security and expanded Good Cheer’s capacity to serve more people. The garden was started in 2009, and has been providing over 5000 lbs of produce to the Food Bank annually. The vegetables are grown using organic methods.” http://goodcheergarden.wordpress.com/about-2/

Because the food bank gardening efforts in Jefferson County are relatively new, we found this an excellent opportunity to gain knowledge and ideas from a similar project that has been such a success! Thank you to the Good Cheer volunteers for hosting and sharing ideas.

For more information on volunteering at the Good Cheer Garden please visit their website.

If you are in the Port Townsend area, please contact our Garden Coordinator, Karen Kastel at [email protected] to volunteer at one of our three local locations.

Photos by Mike Mullin

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